If you or your child has played baseball for any appreciable amount of time, there’s a good chance you’ve heard complaints of pain. It has become all too common for players to be suffering from pain in their throwing arm. Many times it’s just a warning sign from their body that something is wrong and if addressed properly, there will be no further issues. Other times, that warning sign is just the beginning of something far more serious – possibly an injury that can lead them straight into the operating room!!!
The statistics are there – each year, players younger and younger are experiencing serious throwing arm injuries. Some of these injuries are causing players to miss a couple weeks of practice and games; others are ending their seasons, even threatening their careers.
The bottom line is this – throwing a baseball puts extreme stress on the joints, tendons and ligaments of pitchers as well as athletes who play multiple positions.
The only way to prevent your child from becoming a statistic is to educate yourself on both the causes and solutions.
On Monday April 11 from 7:30-10PM, the Baseball Health Network will present an educational seminar on this topic with an All-Star lineup that includes legendary MLB pitching coach Leo Mazzone, Dr. Christopher Ahmad (head team physician for the New York Yankees), and Steve Hayward & Eric D’Agati from the Baseball Health Network. Professional Baseball Instruction’s Doug Cinnella will be your host for the evening.
* Injuries/injury prevention
* Arm care/maintenance
* Pitch counts
* Training pitchers for health/success
A question and answer session will follow.
COST: $20 in advance, $25 at the door
LOCATION: Professional Baseball Instruction, 107 Pleasant Avenue, Upper Saddle River NJ
Online registration (credit card/PayPal) – Click Here
Call 800-282-4638